Dr. med. dent. Jochen Mellinghoff M.Sc., Ph.D.
Dr. Jochen Mellinghoff started his career as a general dentist 1986 in his own practice in Ulm, Germany. He developed his course concept for prevention and oral health in 1990, always aware of the connections between medicine and dentistry. Since then he teaches and supports dentists in practice management. Courses in implantology, live surgeries carried out by himself, and courses in the area of practice hygiene and prevention are included. He is particularly interested in the prosthetically driven positioning of implants and their restoration. He therefore went through a curriculum for dental technicians. And he finished a three years post graduate master course of oral surgery at the Danube-University in Krems, Austria. There he wrote the first ever scientific publication worldwide on ceramic implants in 2006. The following years were dedicated to his dental practice, investigations and publications. His topics are: Ceramic implants, surgical procedures, and quality management. He gives lectures on many conventions in Europe, and today for the first time in the USA. He has experience with ceramic implants since 2004.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Implantologie
www.dginet.deLeiter Qualitätszirkel des LV-Bayern

Deutsche Gesellschaft für orale Implantologie

Forum Orthomolekulare Medizin
http://www.f-o-m.deVorstand und Referent